The presence of a tote bag made of cloth is considered the right solution for using plastic bags for daily needs. The more dependent on plastic, the production of this waste material also increases. Meanwhile, based on data released by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) last February, out of 64 million tons of Indonesia’s annual waste production, 15 percent of it is plastic-based waste or the equivalent of 9.6 million tons per year.
Whether we realize it or not, the abundance of plastic waste in Indonesia is not good news for us, moreover, most of the leftover material cannot be recycled for new products, and in the end it only sets a bad precedent for the environment.
Our dependence on plastic can actually be stopped in many ways, one of which is by starting to switch to using bags that are not only disposable. Shopping bags made of cloth or tote bags are one option. But if you are still in doubt, consider the following 5 benefits of your decision to end the use of plastic bags and choose to custom your own tote bag.
Commitment to protect the environment
One of the most important benefits if you start switching from plastic bags to tote bags is that you can contribute to a campaign to save the environment. The idea of a plastic diet is increasingly being promoted because the amount of waste is getting more and more fantastic. This environmental impact is exacerbated because the use of plastic bags tends to be single use, and the period of use is relatively short.
Plastic bags from super markets, for example, are often immediately thrown away when they are not used anymore. This is different from a tote bag that can last a long time and be used repeatedly, so it can reduce the amount of plastic waste production.
Helping live frugally
If plastic consumption can be reduced by using a tote bag, this step will also help save on daily expenses. Because some supermarkets have a certain rate every time shoppers shop using the plastic bags they provide. Although the nominal average is relatively small because it is not more than 500 silver, if it is done in a frequent intensity it can have an impact on swelling expenses. Of course it’s different if you bring your own tote bag, there are no additional expenses.
Has a stronger material
Keuntungan lain penggunaan tote bag ialah bahannya yang lebih kuat, sehingga dijamin lebih aman saat barang yang dibawa memiliki berat berlebih. Tote bag memiliki beberapa jenis, paling rapuh ialah tote bag dengan bahan spunbond. Namun bahan ini dijamin jauh lebih kuat ketimbang kantong plastik. Jenis lainnya ada bahan blacu, kanvas juga drill yang bahannya tentu lebih solid dan lebih kuat dari bahan spunbond. Apalagi kantong plastik umumnya hanya bisa diisi untuk tentengan yang ringan, seperti camilan bukan yang lebih berat dari itu.

Can be used for many purposes (versatile)
Besides being stronger, tote bags made of cloth also have a larger size than plastic bags. Strong material and larger size so that it can be used for many purposes. The tote bag can not only be used to carry groceries, it can also be used as a carry-on to carry office files, or it can also be used as a bag by students, mothers shopping for kitchen needs, or other activities.
Tote bags are becoming a new fashion trend
The use value of the tote bag is now widespread, it has even become a trend for students. Not only women, the tote bag mode as a side bag is also applied by many men. A simple tote bag model with a variety of motifs is the choice for many students, even now starting to add accents such as zippers to open the lid. Tote bags are also very suitable to be mixed and matched with casual fashion, clothes for hangouts or for semi-formal lectures.